Sunday, July 26, 2009

Jon & Kate and Reality TV scare me!

My Sunday Cartoon preaches the evils of "Reality" TV, or should I say unreality:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

DEA chases, cleans up marijuana grows and litter, too

On Friday,, featured a news story about the increasing number of marijuana grows in the Pine Valley Wilderness area and Southern Utah. The DEA cited the following evidence collected at the scene: animal crackers, tortillas and Pepto-Bismol found in the camp. I'm assuming that the animal crackers were a Mexican import brand such as Gamesa. I'm still trying to figure out if Pepto-Bismol can be associated with only one race, but I'll take the DEA's word for it.

To quote from the story by Patrice St. Germain:

Barnes said because of the items found in the camps, primarily the food, it was evident the groups were Hispanic, even when no arrests were made.
"Some of the things we find at every camp are animal crackers, tortillas and Pepto Bismol," Barnes said.

Regardless of the racial aspect in the story, I find it a weird twist that the growers are not only are on the run from federal agents for the growing, but they also are becoming litter bugs as they flee these camps to escape capture. It seems that the growers got away this time, but the DEA is on to their eating habits so the suspects better beware.